Evangelist Mary K. Baxter was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and accepted Christ as her Savior at the age of nineteen. In 1976, while she was living in Belleville, Michigan, Jesus appeared to her in human form, in dreams, visions, and revelations. Mary was ordained as a minister in 1983 at the Full Gospel Church of God in Taylor, Michigan and received a Doctorate of Ministry from Faith Bible College, an affiliate of Oral Roberts University. The movement of the Holy Spirit is emphasized in all her services, and many miracles have occurred in them. Dr. Mary K. Baxter has been in full-time ministry for over thirty years. God commissioned Mary to record her experiences and tell others of the horrific depths, degrees, and torments of hell, as well as the wonderful destiny of heaven for the redeemed of Jesus Christ. There truly is a hell to shun and a heaven to gain!
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