About the Episode
It was incredible to connect with Anita Kemp and Dr. Amanda Williams to chat about the Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub (WEKH). During our conversation they also pointed out that it was just in time for International Women’s Day on March 8, 2021. How fitting!
WEKH is an organization that is challenging the stereotypes of women entrepreneurs through many different initiatives including:
Sharing the stories of successful women owned businesses
Mapping the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem
Sharing resources widely on their website
Collecting and sharing data
Identifying who’s doing what, what’s working, and what are some of the promising practices.
In this episode they chat about the research they’ve conducted on women’s entrepreneurship in Alberta along with the intricate stories that were woven within the data about women entrepreneurs.
About the Guests
Anita Kemp is the Alberta program lead for the Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub. She is an entrepreneur and life long learner at heart who quit her job in the corporate world of finance to start her own business.
Dr. Amanda Williams is an assistant professor in the School of Communication Studies at Mount Royal University. She is a key faculty member involved in the Alberta hub of WEKH. She has her toes in many pockets of research around women’s entrepreneurship both locally and globally. She is a member of the Canadian Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) team and a research fellow for the Centre for Innovation Studies. She has published many reports on the state of entrepreneurship that can be found at www.thecis.ca.
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