Welcome to a brand-new episode of the PeayCast! Presented by The Flats Off Madison!
It's an opportunity week for the Austin Peay football team, but we've got redshirt freshman wide receiver Kenny Odom on the podcast to talk ball. After talking about his football career and increased role in the Governors offense this season, Odom talks about nightly games of Fortnight, the ping pong battles between the APSU wide receivers, and his favorite spots to eat in Clarksville. Then Casey and Alex recap the last week of Austin Peay athletics before looking ahead to the soccer, volleyball, men's tennis, and softball on the schedule for the Govs in the coming days. Thanks for tuning in and as always #LetsGoPeay!
Audio Intro: NJJ Music, "MLB on Fox Theme Music"
Odom Intro: Rylo Rodriguez, "Thang For You (feat. No Cap)"
Odom Outro: Kash Krabs, Oddwin, Sauceward, "KRUSTY KREW ANTHEM (BACK ON THE GRILL)"
Audio Outro: Jimmy Buffett, "Boat Drinks"