On a strange and unsettling episode of After Hours AM/The Criminal Code — with hosts Joel Sturgis, Eric Olsen, and secret weapon, forensic psychologist Dr. Clarissa Cole — we investigate the 2014 disappearance of Dutch students Lisanne Froon and Kris Kremers while hiking in Panama. Former FBI Special Agent John DeSouza will join us on the case. In the other hour of the show, Clarissa will lead us into the high weeds of the week’s True Crime news! Map of area from which Lisanne Froon and Kris KremersVivacious and adventuresome young Dutch women Lisanne Froon, 22, & Kris Kremers, 21, had just graduated from university and decided to take a trip together to Panama to learn Spanish and do volunteer work. They arrived in Panama for a six-week journey on March 15, 2014, touring the country for two weeks before arriving in Boquete, on March 29 to begin volunteer work with children for one month, while being hosted by a local family. The girls set out on a hike on April 1 in the vicinity of the Baru volcano. Then nothing. They failed to meet their guide at the prearranged time on April 2. T