Hey! Welcome to today's episode of The Zoë Perspective! Now, as you may know, I disappeared literally the past week, but I'm back. I spent the whole week literally thinking of ideas to record with but thought of none. BUT I WILL NOT LET THIS STOP ME! To prevent this little podcasters block, I decided; Why not review a book? It'll introduce the style and influencement that will be represented within the podcast. (Not really that whole thing but you get it) So, here we go! If you'd like to contact me: [email protected] Keep your eyes out for a little Spotify link representing each and every character throughout my book, coming out either October or maybe sooner...
If YOU would like to apply to be an ARC reviewer for MY book, fill in the form that I will send to you by email. Just simply write "I would like to become ARC reviewer" and I will send a link to a Google form, providing you with all needed information. eARCs Go Out October, so keep our eye out!
Don't forget, The Bookposal will be released within the dates of December 2022-January 2023!