MidRealm & East Kingdom are allies this year.MidRealm, East Kingdom, & Allies use purple tape.Aethelmearc, Atlantia, & Allies use green tape.Known World Auction and GalaHeld on August 7.Photos and descriptions available on http://knowneworldauction.orgBeowulf, The Road ShowHeld at 8pm on August 7 in the MidRealm Battlefield Pavilion.Last 60% of the epic will be performed by many bards.Listen to episode #22 for more info.Blood driveHeld on August 3 and August 6 from 10am to 4pm at the Zion Baptist Church.Register to donate by searching for zip code 16057 on http://www.givelife.orgCheck your SCA registration card's expiration date.Bridge constructionThe Currie Rd. bridge undergoing construction.Might not be done before Pennsic.Check pennsicwar.org for alternate driving directions.Interview with Duncan Burns, a.k. Duncan The Monster, about the Combat Camera Corps project for Pennsic 41.Knowne World A&S Auction and Gala: http://www.knowneworldauction.orgDonate Blood: http://www.givelife.org (search for zip 16057)Alternate Driving Directions: https://www.cooperslake.com/home/detourDirections.phpCombat Camera Corps Funding Campaign: http://www.indiegogo.com/PennsicCameraCorps?a=271475Combat Camera Corps Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/PennsicCombatCameraCorpCombat Camera Corps Video on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/combatcameracorpsCombat Camera Corps Video on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SgtMonster?feature=mhee