In This Episode of People with Parents…
I share a story about the air conditioner wars being waged this summer in our multigenerational house. It gets hot; and not in a good way.
[ARTICLE] Hot Weather Tips
[ARTICLE] Elderly Ignore Heat Warnings – Because They’re Not Old
[BONUS LINK]Air Conditioner Wars
PEOPLE WITH PARENTS People with Parents is a podcast where I share stories about the role reversal and ever-changing relationship between adult children and their aging parents. If you can relate, or know someone who can, please share. Subscribe to and review the podcast on iTunes (Stitcher, Google Play) and like the People with Parents Facebook Page. It’s lived, written, and produced by stand-up comedian and author Leighann Lord: Daughter with a capital D. Visit her at Music by the Jazz Lounge Project. RESOURCES Help & Humor for Caretakers CONTACT Email:
[email protected] Twitter: @LeighannLord See more at