
【口语版】Performance Evaluation绩效考评

12.24.2023 - By 英语主播EmilyPlay

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Due to Steven's good performance, Mr. Liang decides to give him a bonus. Now they're talking about it.由于史蒂文良好的表现,梁先生决定给他发奖金,现在他们两人正在讨论此事。

A: Come in and sit down. 进来,请坐。

B: Thanks, Mr. Liang.谢谢,梁先生。

A: Among all the assistants, I think you are on top of it. Based on the annual evaluation, the board of directors decided to give you a bonus. 在众多助理当中,我认为你的能力是数一数二的。根据今年的绩效考评,董事会决定给你发放一笔奖金。

B: Really, I'm too happy.真的吗?我太高兴了。

A: I've been reviewing your work over the past few months. Thanks to your excellent work, we benefit much from your project and you should get the perfect attendance award too.过去几个月以来,我一直在考察你的表现。由于你的出色工作,我们从你负责的项目中受益匪浅,并且你也应该得到全勤奖。

B: Thanks for your trust. Owing to my colleagues' help, I've successfully completed my task. 谢谢您的信任,多亏了同事们的帮忙,我才得以完成自己的任务。

A: You're very modest and diligent. The distribution of bonus derived from the performance evaluation. You deserve it.你很勤奋,也很谦逊。奖金是根据绩效考评的成绩而发放的,是你应得的。

B: Thank you very much. I will redouble my efforts in the future.非常感谢您,我以后会加倍努力的。

讲义:evaluation评估;评价performance evaluation绩效考评Asset evaluation资产评估

The school conducted an evaluation of teachers to understand their performance in the classroom.学校实施了对老师的教学评估,以了解他们的教学表现。

In the annual performance evaluation, my colleague received a bonus for his outstanding work performance.在年度绩效评估中,我的同事因为工作表现优秀而获得了奖金。

evaluatev. 评估

During the job application process, the interviewer will evaluate the candidate's performance to determine whether to hire them.在求职过程中,面试官会根据应聘者的表现进行评估,以确定是否录用。


Tom worked extra hours this month and received a bonus from his company as a reward.汤姆这个月加班了很多小时,作为奖励,他从公司收到了一笔奖金。


例句:Before the final exams, students should review all the topics covered in the course to be well-prepared.在期末考试之前,学生应该复习课程中涵盖的所有主题,以便做好充分的准备。

At the end of each quarter, the sales team meets to review their performance and discuss strategies for improvement.在每个季度结束后,销售团队会开会审查他们的业绩,并讨论改进策略。

Thanks to多亏了(用于表示感激或庆幸)

Thanks to your help, we finished the project on time.多亏了你的帮助,我们按时完成了项目。

owing to由于;因为(用于表示因为某个原因而导致某种情况或结果)

Owing to the bad weather, the game was postponed.由于恶劣的天气,比赛被推迟了。

due to和because of也可用来表示因为某个原因而导致某种情况或结果

The game was postponed due to/because of the bad weather.由于恶劣的天气,比赛被推迟了。

owing to有时候也可以用来表示感谢,只是比较少见。

Owing to your invaluable assistance, we were able to finish the project on time.多亏了你宝贵的帮助,我们能够按时完成项目。

benefit from从...中受益

We can benefit from regular exercise by improving our physical fitness and mental health.


Tom benefited from the training program provided by his company, which helped him improve his leadership skills.


perfect attendance award全勤奖

Could I get the perfect attendance award this month?我这个月能拿到全勤奖吗?


He is too modest.他非常谦虚。


She wore a modest dress to the wedding, which was elegant and appropriate for the occasion.她穿了一件朴素的裙子去参加婚礼,这件裙子既优雅又适合场合。


modest success小有成就modest salary不多的薪水modest increase适度增长

He has a modest salary, but he manages to live comfortably and save a little each month.他工资不高,但是勉强过得舒服,并且每个月都能存一些钱。


The diligent employee was always the first to arrive at work and the last to leave.勤奋的员工总是第一个到达工作场所,并且最后一个离开。

She was diligent in her studies and received straight A's in all her subjects.她在学习上非常勤奋,所有科目都得了A。


The distribution of resources should be fair and just.资源的分配应该公平合理。


The teacher distributed the exam papers to the students before the test.老师考试前把试卷发给学生。

The company will distribute its profits among the shareholders at the end of the year.公司将在年底把利润分配给股东。



Many people derive comfort from having a pet at home.许多人从家里养宠物中获得了安慰。

He derives great joy from accompanying his family and friends.他从陪伴家人和朋友中收获了快乐。


You deserve a break after working so hard all year.你辛苦工作了一年,应该休息一下。

He deserves a promotion because of his hard work and dedication.他因为努力和奉献应该得到晋升。


He deserves a speeding ticket for driving too fast.他因为开的太快而应受一张超速罚单。

She deserves to be grounded for coming home late again.她因为再次晚归而应该被禁足。


We must redouble our speed to catch the train.我们必须加快速度才能赶上火车。

The company needs to redouble its investment in research and development.公司需要加倍在研究和开发方面的投资。

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