Do you have a system to make sure you complete your daily tasks? Does your system work for you?
•You need to find the tasks on your list that can't wait and complete them first.
•List the top three things that must be done at the end of the day.
•Do the things that will bring you clients and make you money first.
•This way, you will avoid doing administrative tasks first or less important tasks first.
•This tip is probably the hardest one on this list, and it may not work for all projects.
•Do your best to batch/group tasks that are similar and get them done all at once.
•For example, if you must respond to emails, respond to all of them at the same time.
•If you need to make phone calls, sit, and make all the calls at once.
•This process will save you a couple of hours or so.
•When you delegate tasks that take up your time and energy, you will have time to work on more important tasks that make you money or bring more clients.
•Don’t hesitate to outsource and hire someone to do your menial tasks; this is not easy.
•You can hire an assistant to file paperwork or make routine phone calls.
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