Take a dive into the life of composer Sean Tinnion on our latest episode of 'Music on the Move'. We would have been giving the world premier performance of his work 'Ocean Whispers' at Sound & Waves, but due to the latest restrictions on social gatherings, we have had to cancel the concert.
However it's not all bad news! Sean's new album, 'An Everlasting Serenity' will be released on Wednesday (25 March 2020). This 14 track album consists of over an hour of easy listening/meditation music - perfect to calm your minds in these crazy times.
Hear more about the album, his inspiration and creative process, as well as how it would have fit perfectly into our production of 'Sound & Waves'.
An Everlasting Serenity will be available for purchase from the iTunes store on March 25th for those that do not have access to streaming platforms. The album will also become available on all streaming platforms on the same date.