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By Petrash T
The podcast currently has 9 episodes available.
सबके ज़िन्दगी में होने वाले कुछ खास लोग , जीसे हम दोस्त कहते है . दोस्त एक ऐसा इंसान होता है जिसे हमारे सब राज मालूम होते है , जिसे हमारे ज़िन्दगी में क्या चल रहा है ये पता होता है , हमारे मन में क्या चालू है वो पता होता है ,हमारे ज़िन्दगी में कोंन कोंन important है ये भी पता होता है . हमारे सबसे करीब इंससान होता है दोस्त . दोस्त या दोस्तो के उप्पर बहोत video बने है , बहोत से आचे आछे message है ओर अगर आप social media यूज़ करते है तो आपको पता होगा की Instagram पर , tik tok पर बहोत सारे वीडियो है जो दोस्त के बारेमे बहाने गए है उसमे 3 प्रकार के वीडियो हमको देखने के लिए मिलते है 1. दोस्ती के उप्पर 2. दोस्त ने धोका देने के उप्पर ओर 3. दोस्तो के ऊपर . कई बार हम सुनते है की दोस्त जी वजह से मेने आंच chance गवा दिया या दोस्त के वजह से मेरा सपना अधूरा रह गया . दोस्तो ये सब सुनके आपके मन में भी खयाल आता होगा की हम किस प्रकार के दोस्त बनाये इस किन दोस्तो के वजह से हम ज़िबदगी में आगे बढ़ सकते है ?
हम हर साल 15 अगस्त को स्वतंत्र दिन मानते है . उस दिन हम WhatsApp , फेसबुक , इंस्टागराम ओर सारे social media पे video के द्वारा या फ़ोटो के द्वारा या message के द्वारा स्वतंत्र दिन की शुभ कामनाये भेजते है .ओर उसदिन एक दूसरे से मिलके हमतो में हाथ मिलाकर या गले मिलकर हम ‘स्वतंत्र दिन की शुभकामनाये ‘ ये कहते है .हम शुभ कामनाये इसलिए देते है क्योंकि हमे पता है की इस दिन हमारे देश को याने हमको स्वतंत्र मिला है .लेकिन जब भी स्वातंत्र दिन आता है या स्वतंत्र की बात आती है क्या आपने कभी ये सोच है की क्या हम सचमे आज़ाद हुए है ? क्या हम सचमुच पूरी तरीके से स्वतंत्र हुए है ? क्या कभी आया है ये सवाल आप के मन में ? अगर आया है तो आगे आपको इस सवाल का जवाब भी मिल जायेगा .
We keep watching and reading daily on T.V or in the newspaper that so many people died due to corona or so many people got affected by corona or increased the lockdown or decreased the lockdown. When we all watch TV or read newspaper or you see the environment right now, then a fear comes in our mind and the same question comes in our mind that can I also get effected by corona?
I will not ask that have you ever made excuses, because we all know that we all have made excuses. When we were young, excuses were made for not going to school, when we grew up, excuses were made for not doing homework, later on going to work, then excuses were made for the boss to be late or not to work. Don't know how many excuses we must have made in your life. But I want to tell you friends that Excuse is the Big Reason not move forward in life.
How to start a happy day? A Best Inspirational PoMany times we say that my day has not gone well, many times we say that today's day has been very bad, no day should go like today. Or some people say that my days are going bad now. You spend your time, thinking or speaking that the day was bad, but have you ever thought that my day did not go well? Or why did I have a bad day? Just think why you are not having a good day?dcast.
In this Podcast we are going to know about life. We will know four important things about life
1.What is life? 2. How important is life? 3. Why do we live? 4. How to move ahead in life?
Is there anyone in the world who has no dreams? According to me, there is not a single person in the world who has no dreams. We all have some dream and many people try to fulfill that dream. and those who say that I cannot fulfill my dream, and my dream is too big, I do not have the capacity to fulfill it, or it is very difficult to fulfill my dream, then remember, learn to believe in your dreams or Believe that you can make that dream come true. Fulfilling your dream will be difficult but not impossible.
खुद को ढूँढे | find yourself | Powerful and Best motivational Podcast in HIndi
In our life we all go through such situations where we lose our hope. We have no hope. Maybe this time you are going through same situation. Maybe this is what you are thinking, is there any hope in my life? Are you a parent who is worrying about the future of your child? Are you an elderly person who has lost his beloved person? Are you thinking of leaving? Are you thinking that i cannot do , its done , Am Giving up. So I want to tell you Never Give Up . Never ever. This Blog Will help you to inspired in your life
The podcast currently has 9 episodes available.