Michael Sindler, a native of South Carolina, has called Denver home for over a decade. He is a writer whose work crosses genres and includes fiction, non-fiction, memoir, poetry, theatre, and songwriting. His work has been published in various print and web venues including seven anthologies in the past year, and he has collaborated with and participated in a number of media bridging projects and productions with arts organizations including The Stratus Chamber Orchestra, Colorado Ballet, Sounds on Stage, University of Denver Department of Theater, Ruddy Duck Theater, Denver Botanic Gardens, Write Denver, The Lighthouse Writers Center, The Hard Times Writers Group, and others. He has been a featured reader at LitFest in 2017 and 2018, The Clyfford Still Museum, the American Museum of Western Art, the Denver Public Library, the Denver City Council, the Walk and Ride of Silence Commemorative Presentation, 40 West Arts, and the 30th and 31st Annual Podeo Celebrations of National Poetry Month. He has featured in virtual (and IRL) poetry readings, performances, and workshops across the globe, both on his own and as part of the Beardo Bards of the Bardo with Bryan Franco and Dane Ince.