We at Companies in Motion believe that ultimately, post pandemic, organisations will be forced to acknowledge something that we have long believed…that people – human beings – are our most precious business resources.
To quote a recent McKinsey report, “forward-looking companies know that everything else—such as technology, access to raw materials, intellectual property, and customer relationships— is fleeting and the only sustainable advantage is rooted in harnessing the passion, skills, capabilities, judgment, and creativity that people bring to work.” Physical Intelligence unlocks that sustainable advantage.
For too long, many organisations have paid lip service to putting ‘people at the center’ of their strategy. Even worse - much that is being written about the future of organisations is still focusing on law, regulation, ownership, governance, measurement and pre-pandemic descriptions of performance – with little mention of human beings – or if mentioned, employees are referred to as human capital…but we are…all of us…flesh and bone, bodies and brains, hearts and minds.
The time has come to enable the full potential of everyone working in our organisations – whether office based or working remotely. Organisations need people who can achieve more and people want to stress less and live and work more happily. Whether you’re reading a report by McKinsey or Deloitte or an article in the Economist or the NY Times, the message is consistent – people want – and need – more flexibility and more support.
In this conversation with Jarrod Barnes, Manager of Former Player Marketing and Services for the Los Angeles Rams, (and a former Ohio State Safety and Detroit Lions Defensive Back), we learn how one NFL team is providing an extraordinary level of support for not only its current employees, but former employees as well. This podcast shares interesting lessons from the NFL that leaders in all industries can leverage about how the workplace of tomorrow can work with rather than against the human system...powering all team members to sustain peak performance.