This week's episode of Physical Therapy Uncensored is a spin-off of our podcast episode: "6-Pack Abs: Vanity or Necessity". Today we feature certified strength and conditioning coach, Zach Klienfelder. He is the Community Director and Fitness coach with Iron Tribe in Cool Springs, Tennessee, just south of Nashville. We discuss our relationship with this fitness group and elaborate on our community partnership to keep you healthy and exercising, whether you are injured or starting a new exercise regimen. We talk about breathing, form, technique, and weight belts! Zach shares his knowledge and experience in functional fitness and describes how he defines a program that is individualized for you.
Check out Iron Tribe Fitness at or IG @ITFNash or look for Zach specifically at, facebook@irontribefitnesscoolsprings, or on Instagram @ITFCoolSprings
To learn more about physical therapy and how Results can help you live without pain, visit or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.