Special episode featuring Peter Pilgrim speaking to the London Java Community JUG on the evening of Tuesday 16th October 2018
Recorded at CodeNote, Skillsmatter
There are multiple ways to get into Java software engineering. Many people will have heard of the brand idea: Java EE. They might be aware of the history of enterprise Java computing, some will know about the origins of Java EE, its controversial past, but also the surprising imaginative concepts of this fundamental piece of commercial and open source work, we will meet the people and the wider community. Java EE was a standard bearer most of the life of the Java Virtual Machine. My talk will give background in Java EE, we will pick up the pieces and find out the answers to several questions. We will examine several terrific innovations, we will also find why these were simply not enough to satisfy the competition. We will look at Java EE’s prognosis. We will witness the crisis of Java EE and then launch a projectile into the far future. How will Jakarta EE meet the challenge of micro-services oriented architecture M/SOA? How does the Microprofile deliver the sustainable promise for the current cloud-native and future digital applications?