Covid feels scarier every time we read about it in our newsfeeds, even though our physical realities are slowly getting into a new normal. Virtual reality has become as real as the physical one. What we do in one world influences what happens in the other. However, these two worlds can be at odds with each other. Lacking this understanding exposes us to neurological hijacking by online algorithms and the profit-seeking companies that own them. If you wonder why teens are getting more ultraviolent and suicidal, or why adults can't have an adult conversation anymore, this episode is for you!
Podcasts / Videos
In English
Your Undivided Attention, episode 26, “Are the Kids Alright?” 2020:
TED Radio Hour, “Life Stages Of The Brain”, 2021:
Documentary “The Social Dilemma”, 2020 (multiple languages available):
In French
Roland Gori, “La Fabrique des Imposteurs”, 2014:
Academic/Governmental Sources
In English
Lauren E Sherman, Leanna M Hernandez, Patricia M Greenfield, Mirella Dapretto, “What the brain ‘Likes’: neural correlates of providing feedback on social media”, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Volume 13, Issue 7, July 2018, Pages 699–707.
Eveline A. Crone and Elly A. Konijn, “Media use and brain development during adolescence”, Nature Communications. 2018. 9:588.
Leaflet “The Psychology of Social Media”. King University. (2019?):
Giuseppe Riva, Brenda K Wiederhold, Pietro Cipresso, “Psychology of Social Media: From Technology to Identity”, The Psychology of Social Networking: Personal Experience in Online Communities. 2016. (pp.1-11).
Oren Gil-Or, Yossi Levi-Belz, and Ofir Turel, “The “Facebook-self”: characteristics and psychological predictors of false self-presentation on Facebook”, Frontiers in Psychology. 17 Feb 2015.)
John Suler, “The Online Disinhibition Effect”, CyberPsychology & Behavior, 7(3):321-6. 2004:
Holly Scott, Stephany M Biello, Heather Cleland Woods, “Social media use and adolescent sleep patterns: cross-sectional findings from the UK millennium cohort study”, BMJ Open 2019:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Suicidal Ideation and Behaviors Among High School Students — Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States”, 2019:
Online articles
In English
Michal Wlosik, “What Is a Data Broker and How Does It Work?”, 2019:
David Martin, “What role did Cambridge Analytica play in the Brexit vote?”, 2018:
Ross Kelly, “Brexit and Cambridge Analytica Links Could be Illegal”, 2018:
Laura Santhanam, “Youth suicide rates are on the rise in the U.S.”, 2019:
In French
Patrick Waelbroeck, Antoine Dubus, “La nouvelle problématique de concurrence posée par l’accès aux données dans l’économie numérique”, 2019: