We kick Season 5 off with a celebration of ADHD. We wanted to understand more about this neurodiversity; with so many of our friends being diagnosed in their 30's and 40's, we were aware of what a life changing pivot this news can be.
We speak to Jesse J Anderson, an ADHD'er with a generous and informative story to tell about his experience of this pivot in his life. Diagnosed at the age of 36, he now shares his findings of the way his brain works with the world with his ever increasing TikTok, Insta and Twitter audiences. He is also writing a book with the ADHD community called 'Refocus'.
1. 'Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder' is a highly paradoxical name:
your attention is actually on overload - you see and hear everything intensely. You are not decificent in attention!
hyperactivity is the myth of the naughty boy throwing chairs in the primary school. Actually ADHD'ers are prone to hyperFOCUS when they are interested in something. 2. Because of missed diagnosis ADHD'ers are prone to
addiction, due to a misfiring of their dopamine levels.
unemployment, because their interest levels are not sustain sufficiently. 3. Given the right tasks and opportunity ADHD'ers can be the most productive people on the planet.
We've never asked this so deliberately before but - PLEASE listen to this episode - you are VERY likely have close colleagues and friends who have ADHD, and it can be the super power they never knew they had. Spread the word. Celebrate neurodiversity. And marvel at Jesse's wonderful demeanour.
You can find Jesse J Anderson here:
Free resources on ADHD and contribute to his book 'Refocus' here
Melissa Orlov: 'ADHD in Marriage'
You can get hold of us at Pivot Points here:
Instagram: @pivotpointscoaching
LinkedIn: Pivot Points Coaching
Twitter: @PivotPoints1
Email: [email protected]
Gabi Miller: www.gabriellamillercoach.com // insta: @gabriellamiller.coach
Amelia Saberwal: www.kinestheticacoaching.com // insta: @kinesthetica_coaching
Rob Sell - Editor / Life saver - Torch & Compass
Rachel Lepley, Limitless You - Social Media management & brand design. insta: rachellepley_/