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Peace,like air and sunshine, is hardly noticed when people are benefiting from it.But none of us can live without it.
Whencountries enjoy peace, so will the world. When countries fight. The world willsuffer. The world is not free of conflicts and peace needs to be defended.Justice will prevail over might, peace and development represent an irresistibletrend of history.
Toeliminate war and achieve peace is the most pressing and profound desire of theChinese people.
We mustdo our utmost to keep war as far away as possible from mankind. So the childrenacross the world can grow up happily under the sunshine of peace.
TheChinese People's Liberation Army is the people's military. Wherever there isdanger, there is the people ‘s military standing in harm's way.
Followedthe party. Fight to win. Forge exemplary conduct. Always be ready to assembleat the first call and be capable of fighting and winning.
Peace,like air and sunshine, is hardly noticed when people are benefiting from it.But none of us can live without it.
Whencountries enjoy peace, so will the world. When countries fight. The world willsuffer. The world is not free of conflicts and peace needs to be defended.Justice will prevail over might, peace and development represent an irresistibletrend of history.
Toeliminate war and achieve peace is the most pressing and profound desire of theChinese people.
We mustdo our utmost to keep war as far away as possible from mankind. So the childrenacross the world can grow up happily under the sunshine of peace.
TheChinese People's Liberation Army is the people's military. Wherever there isdanger, there is the people ‘s military standing in harm's way.
Followedthe party. Fight to win. Forge exemplary conduct. Always be ready to assembleat the first call and be capable of fighting and winning.