“I was a cat with nine lives. Every one of her souls honourable… a fighter… who deserved to live.”
What does it take to understand it’s not all your fault? Trace a stream of shisha bubbles through the imagination of a Jouska who has traversed many selves through violence in order to live, and dance, and smoke.
Content warning: stories where you mirror the character as they move around their homes can have a powerful impact. This story contains mention of a past experience of physical assault by family members. We encourage the audience to listen to their instinct on whether they are in the right time or place to listen or not.
Play Inside Series 2: How to be a Real Man or The Availability of Air is a selection of embodied audio stories from writers from Palestine, Egypt and the UK, funded by the British Council International Collaboration Fund and directed by UK artists Michelle Roche and Rosie Poebright (Splash and Ripple) in collaboration with Dawar Arts, Egypt and The Freedom Theatre, Palestine
Sound Design by Hana Seifelnasr
Project Managed by Nery Mounir (Egypt) and Lama (Palestine)
Welcome into our worlds. Into our homes, into our lives.
Come, join us for a moment.
Witness what we see, what we feel, what we hear.
We get power from sharing our stories. Witnessing survivors' perspectives shifts the power back into their hands. These stories transport us from homes in Egypt to England and to Palestine. We know it’s not always easy to listen to, but it’s important to be heard, to be witness to the complexity of lives, and resilience of people, people fighting for air and remembering to breathe.