Play It Player show represents underground dance music culture - tunes selected & mixed by Raul.M
Playlist: Artist - Title - Label
1. Christophe Salin - Like A Call -
Salin Records
2. Billowjazz - Milford Sound - Stay
True Sounds
3. Jullian Gomes (feat.FKA Mash) -
Ghetto Ballerine (Slow Poison
Album) - World Without End
4. Powel - Cloud City - Fina Records
5. IntrObeatz - Sweet Sensation (Shur-
I-Kan Remix) - Dark Energy
6. Gangsta WhiteWalls - Stay True
Sounds Vol.2
7. Glenn Underground - Back To The
Basic - Moods & Grooves
8. DJ Aakmael - Luv - ANMA Records &
Flumo Limited
9. Till Von Sein - Ocean Love - Suol
10. Lars Behrenroth - 30 Seconds -
Deeper Shades Recordings