Player Attack is back for 2018! Season 6 of Australia's independent video game tv series will continue to bring you all the latest in gaming news, plus interviews, reviews and features from the world of video games.
This week's episode is something a bit special for us - after facing an all-new ice age in Frostpunk, we sit down for a two-part chat with David Cage, the controversial figure behind Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls and now, Detroit: Become Human.
When developing a game, a good place to start is to think about two of your favourite genres, and then work out just how to smoosh them together into a single project. We're guessing that's what 11 bit studios did, combining a city-builder and a survival strategy and turning them into Frostpunk. We've spent some time with this somewhat chilly experience, and have thawed things out just long enough to bring you our latest review.
David Cage is a polarising figure in the world of video games. Some love his creativity and applaud what his games try to do, while others are critical of the fact the same games never -quite- achieve their lofty goals. Detroit: Become Human is the latest release out of his studio Quantic Dream, and it's set the bar sky-high yet again.
In this two-part interview, Jonny catches up with the French developer to chat about what to expect when we step into the android shoes of Connor, Kara and Markus, why working with the PS4 was a challenge, and how he's getting closer to realising his dreams.
Plus, of course, we have all the latest gaming news as well - this is Player Attack!