How do you engage in pressured situations while maintaining your best self? What do you do to manage and prevent stressful situations from negatively impacting your behavior?
In an ideal world, we don't feel pressure at all—we hold boundaries, disarm conflict, and let things roll off our back. But we know that's not reality all the time, right? We are complex creatures with emotions and past experiences that can trigger us. Whether it’s deadlines, difficult conversations with colleagues, or even complicated family matters — pressure is an unavoidable part of life.
Of course, being self-aware is the first and foremost way to decrease our reactivity. By examining what triggers us, shining a flashlight on our blindspots and peeling back the layers, we can unlock our best selves and our best levels of leadership.
BUT what do you do when the pressureful situation still strikes and you are knee-deep in it?
In this episode, I'll dive into how we can handle these moments in real-time without losing control and instead become models of the behavior we most want to see in our board rooms, classrooms, and family rooms.
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Show Notes:
Connect with Rita on LinkedIn: ★Rita (Wetterstroem) Hyland★