A few weeks back when we were in Rapid City playing a couple of gigs, we had the opportunity to sit down with Heath Johnson of the Heath Bar Podcast. We did back to back recordings (interviewing the interviewer) and had a blast! You'll really want to listen to them both...we promise!
Heath Johnson is an Americana Country songwriter from Spearfish, SD as well as the host of his own podcast called The Heath Bar. He has the gift for conversation and is a really funny guy. We couldn't help but to warm up to him instantly, and It didn't take us long to realize how dedicated he is to helping others. He organizes the South Dakota Songwriters group and activities around the Black Hills area and puts together songwriters rounds for other local artists. Along with his solo shows, he is also the lead in an Americana Honky Tonk band named The Ruthless West and a proud new dad! We hope you enjoy listening to this episode and his as much as we enjoyed capturing them.
As a side note, sitting down with Heath was extra special for a few reasons. He's awesome (of course), his podcast is part of the inspiration for ours, and this was our first pod on the go...meaning we're portable baby! Watch out podcasting world!!!!
As always, share, rate and review our podcast and help us keep this thing going. Suggestions are always welcome, and take care out there friends!!
links to Heath's happenings below
website https://www.heathbaronline.com/
South Dakota Songwriters https://www.facebook.com/sodaksongwriters/
music facebook page https://www.facebook.com/heathjohnsonmusic/
links to our happenings below
website http://www.tedandalicemiller.com/
music facebook page https://www.facebook.com/tedmillermusic/