Alright, time to kick this shit into overdrive ladies, gentlemen and non-specific folk. It's been a while, but we're trying something here. More on that in a second.
This episode was recorded on a beautiful Sunday afternoon in Port Kembla at the mighty-mighty Commercial Hotel (now with a bistro, check it out here). I was joined by regular fictional character, S'Hershel Walker, and he brought along his two pals Paul Keys (racking up appearance #2) and someone I've wanted to record with for a long time now, but for legal reasons we'll call him Tragic Johnson. We shot the shit in the beer garden, and even picked up a performance artist dressed as William Wallace along the way.
Keep an eye on the Pod Kembla Facebook page for details on when we do these, the plan is we'll post about it the day of or just before, and those who see it and are keen to come along to hang, then here's your invitation. Keep them peepers peeled!
In the meantime, if you like this silly thing we do then tell anyone who'll listen. Share it around, super-impose my head coming out of a dinosaur's rectum. Whatever floats your boat.
There are more to come, and sorry for the extended hiatus (again).