This book called The Tooth Fairies and The Cleaning Factory By Zani Mathoo tells about the little fairy who live in The Ordon Gardens named Incisor, Canine, and Molar. They always busy to be little fairies cleaned and shined the children’s milk teeth they had collected during the night. The milk teeth were used to make roads in the garden and furniture in the homes for the little fairies. One day, Incisor find a tooth that are fragile, brittle, holes, and black spot. They know that the tooth is caused by the children are beginning to eat far too many sweets and forget to brush their teeth. They plan to placed two coins and the fairy’s special card in exchange under the pillow with the teeth. In the morning, as soon as the children woke up, he rummaged under the pillow to see if the tooth fairy had left any money for him. he was thrilled to find the coins and the special card. Then he read the card from The Tooth fairy’s guide to healthy teeth with eat healthy, cut down on sugary sweets and drinks, brush the teeth twice a day, use a fluoride toothpaste, and visit the dentist regularly.