Welcome to Living Faith UMC! This sermon was preached on March 27, 2022. (4th Sunday in Lent) Scripture Reader: Lorna Wade, Lay Leader Preacher: Rev. Dr. Bob Jon We are a vibrating congregation devoted to welcoming, growing, nurturing, and serving. Our worship service and Children's Sunday school start at 10 am. We celebrate the Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month. To find more about our church, please visit our church website livingfaithumc.net If you want to join our live-streaming of worship on Sunday, please go to our Facebook page. Yo can also see the events, pictures, and videos of our ministries. https://www.facebook.com/livingfaithumc53 For giving, we encourage you to download an app called "tithe.ly" on your smartphone, or visit our church website. https://livingfaithumc.net/online-giving/