What do advocacy and government relations professionals working in developing countries know that we can implement too? Today’s guest Frank Bonner is sharing what he learned the last 12 years working in countries that include South Sudan, Liberia, Kenya, and Bangladesh including why asking “why” is often the most important first step.
Today’s Guest
Franklin Bonner is a government relation, advocacy, and democracy development professional with 24 years of experience in Washington, D.C. and challenging overseas environments. Franklin started his career in the Office of Senator Connie Mack (FL-Ret.). His public service career includes the Office of Governor Jeb Bush (FL), Office of Governor CharlieCrist (FL), the U.S. Department of Labor Public Liaison Office, and the White House Office of Homeland Security’s legislative team.
In 2009, Franklin joined the International Republican Institute on their South Sudan project in support of South Sudan’s establishment as an independent nation. As a program officer and later as country director, he worked in partnership with political parties, civil society organizations, and government institutions in South Sudan to forward the USAID Democracy & Governance mission of free &; fair elections; transparent &; responsible governance; and peaceful, participatory, democratic institutions. Franklin has also observed elections in Nigeria and Zimbabwe as both a short-term and long-term election observer for USAID funded missions. Over his international development career, Franklin has led and consulted on democracy development projects in Kenya, Timor-Leste, Bangladesh, Somaliland, and Liberia.
Franklin received his BA in Political Science from Northwestern University and originally hails from Miami, Florida.
About the Host
Cori Henderson, host of the Policy Influencer Playbook podcast brings her Master’s Degree in Public Administration and 20+ years in Government Relations and Economic Development to help you and your organization engage at all levels of government to advance your agenda. From her unique perspective having sat at the legislative, regulatory, and stakeholder tables, Cori knows that passing (or killing) legislation, getting a regulatory project permitted quickly or a tax incentive package negotiated successfully all come down to the same thing: clearly communicating your message to the right person at the right time.
Connect with Cori on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/cori-henderson-fl.