On this episode of Pop Culturally Insensitive (PCI) the guys discuss everything they've been up to. We start the show off discussing The Witcher 3. How's Anthony liking it, how's the DLC, and more. Next, we discuss the upcoming E3 and talk about our predictions and hopes for this year's show. After that we dive into t.v. land and discuss Game of Thrones, Silicon Valley, Horace and Pete and more. After that, we discuss the first couple of episodes of AMC's new show, Preacher. Tom and Anthony talk about how it is from a comic fan's point of view; while Andrew gives his opinions as a fresh pair of eyes. Finally, we wrap up the show with a quick discussion of Shane Black's newest film, The Nice Guys. Oh, if that wasn't enough, we also debut a new segment on the show: "Last Minute Minutes" so makes sure to stay and check that out. Sit back, relax, and thanks for listening.