Hello People of God, welcome back to my channel where I share with you points of self-examination for re-evaluating our Christian walk. In today's episode, I will be sharing with you the lessons God has been teaching me about prejudice and why it has been the greatest tool of the enemy from keeping me back from showing up as my authentic self.
Yes, I had reasons to hide away and keep myself from shining because people told me and made me feel like I was not enough and so my denying them my gift of self was justified. But that was in the days of immaturity but now God is calling me to more. I am capable of more but what's stopping me?
In this episode, I share with you some dreams that I had which the Lord clearly points out what the issues are and I share with you my reflections, fears, and resolutions. How about you? have you ever been prejudiced against someone or some people? Would you like to unpack the causes and see the way out as well as promises on the other side? Then Join me on this self-discovery journey. I do hope you listen to the end so you can really enjoy learning what i've resolved to do and also join your faith with mine for your success in the journey ahead of you too. But in case you're not, I'm including my notes below so you can have a sneak-peek into most of the topics I discuss even though the audio goes deeper to share more insights from scriptures and talks about leveraging God's forgiveness to get to the business of "rise and shine". Thanks again for listening!
Cause and effect based on dreams in week 3, Jul 2021
Destination - self & others
Blessings - family background
No job- can't inherit the earth if you won't stick with it.
Wrong location- lack of ambition and thinking I'm better than others
Delays - not being humble but asserting self wisdom instead of serving entitled people
In those 3 dreams, I remember a voice speaking to me
2. They're not as bad as you think
3. The fact that they're not your family doesn't mean they're slaves
Examples from scriptures.
Peter was called to initiate the gospel mission to gentile nations but he was so prejudiced that God had to pass a message using a terrifying dream.
Jonah was so deeply prejudiced against the people of Niniveh that he would rather die than go preach to them.
In the parable of the talents, the man who hid his talents was because he was prejudiced against his master. This blinded him to the potential of his 1 gift...
In the teaching about perfection, Jesus was asking us to be perfect as our heavenly father is who doesn't hold back benefits from those who are not just but blesses all who ask him generously.
1. From my friends' conversation
2. From the news and lack mentality
3. Personal righteousness and wisdom and intuitive perception of others intention
From the laws of God: these transgress
Standard! These are new dispensation sins not old ones
1. Don't be envious or carried away by comparisons and feeling insecure but own up to where you are and stop forcing yourself to measure up because your time will come too. Be merciful to yourself so that when your time comes you'll arrive there gracefully.
2. Delivery of your kingdom assignments is dependent on your ability to go where God is sending you.
3. You gotta serve people regardless of their feeling of entitlement because they hold the key to the blessing of your ministry.