PARANORMAL ENCOUNTERS: Be Careful What You Wish For. This episode will run on the Para-X Radio Network ( on Thursday, September 12, 2024 from 11:00 PM-12:00 Midnight (EST). Educational. Entertaining. Intriguing.
On this show, Dr. Schutz interviews Kellie Fitzgerald, who is a lifelong intuitive psychic medium with abilities and gifts that are unique, specialized, and healing. Kelly is able to see, hear, and know things about people and cannot always "turn off" her gifts and abilities, even at her request. Kellie has learned to embrace her gifts making her a bit different than the norm. She is an author of several books, found on Amazon, including her most recent, "A Tiny Book About Energy Work." She has also created a children's series, featuring a deaf character and has written two poetry books. One of her favorite books, "On the Road to Enlightenment, Don't Forget to Take Out The Trash" (2014).
Kellie can be reached for readings - see the website below. On occasion she will channel the deceased, if they are willing to come through, however, due to the energy expended in doing this type of work, she may not agree to do this type of reading on your request. Please consider your situations with care as well as her own in helping you.