In 2012 Starbucks launched an open letter ad campaign in Uk newspapers apologising for not paying enough tax. As a society we can regulate the market and in effect ask corporations to pay their share, but it’s all too easy for these corporations to break the rules. Star bucks had been able to pay just £8.6m in corporation tax over 14 years. only after the pressure of public opinion did they volunteer to pay what they believed to be their fair share, 10 million a year for two years.
The father of macro economics John Maynard Keynes once stated
“Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men, for the nastiest of reasons, will somehow work for the benefit of us all.”
It appears we must be constantly vigilant to hold corporations that often control capital in excess of small nations accountable to the societies in which they operate. We have been told that free markets invariably trend towards the best outcome but it’s undeniable that corporations are only working for themselves.