Quest Company Junior

Postcards from Pearl - Ep. 116 - Linked Up!

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Previously, Pearl and Luca (with the help of Lawrence and Captain Ron) successfully defeated and captured the raging Alpha Mega Gyarados outside of Portobello Port and kept it out of Team Nasty's clutches! Now that the storm has calmed, it's time to figure out what enraged it in the first place. How did the AMG Mega Evolve on its own? What caused it to emerge from the depths and make its way to this coastal town? And what has Captain Ron been up to lately??

GM: Jonah M. Jackson

Pearl: Sarah Katherine Zanotti


FoolBoyMedia – Video Game Land

Mikel & GameChops – Route 3

Pokénerd Scott – In Flight Instigation, Fighting in a Lucid Dream, Large and In Charge, Street Fight, The Discovery of Fire

Zame – PokéCenter Jubilife Village, Humilau City Gym Remastered, Lakes Theme Arrangement, Beach Cave, Battle! Alola Elite Four Arrangement

GlitchxCity – Pokémon Mystery Gift Theme Remix, Red and Blue S.S. Anne Remix, X and Y Super Training! Remix, Johto Olivine Lighthouse Remix, Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire- Rival Battle Theme Remix

Fluidvolt – Smiling Sigh – Whirlpool, Docks District, Lively Café, Quiet Cove, Storm at Sea, High Seas Pursuit

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Quest Company JuniorBy The Quest Company

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