Previously, Pearl, Luca, Bug Catcher Oliver, and Dakota descended into the sewers of Portobello Port to find Pearl's long-lost Muk. After discovering that it had grown much larger and stronger feasting on the slime of the city, Pearl finally captured Petri Dish the Muk! Now that they've had some time to wash the stink away, our heroes are preparing for the Bug Catching Contest! Will Pearl and Oliver work as a team? What other trainers are taking part in the competition? And what's going on with Genesect??
GM: Jonah M. Jackson
Pearl: Sarah Katherine Zanotti
Bug Catcher Oliver: Gerold Oliver
FoolBoyMedia – Video Game Land
Pokénerd Scott – Ominous Power, Big Bad Ominous Battle, Large and In Charge, Buggy Bash, Quirky Battle, Brawlin’ with the Bunch
GlitchxCity – Pokémon Sword and Shield Brand New World (Lo-Fi Remix)
Zame – Solaceon Town/Pastoria City (Remastered), Emotion (An Unwavering Heart) 8-Bit, National Park (Remastered), Lyra Forest, Tiny Woods
Braxton Burks & Materia Collective – The Road to Viridian City
Mikel & GameChops – Azalea Town, Pokémon Gym – Floating Market, Lively Café, Forest: Day, Lorekeeper Grove, Dusk of the Dryad, Yokai Forest