If you are to be successful across any domain of your life, it’s going to be a result of couple of the following things: (1) recondition your mind and let it be renewed to think from success and prosperity, not from where you are with what you have; (2) what you tell yourself about the state/or condition of your life becomes your reality because your lifestyle can never be punctuated outside of what your mind conceives and believes. Therefore, to be success you need to think, walk, talk, dress, and eat like a successful person —that’s living based on applied faith, not just spoken faith; (3) if you do not plan for success, you plan to be unsuccessful. Understand that whoever you become tomorrow, that is whether you become whoever you dream to be or not, does not come by an accident. People do get rich or poor, successful or unsuccessful by an accident. Everything takes place according to planning despite that plans might be good or terrible. Therefore, have a plan to succeed. Your plan is architected by your philosophy of life that’s why you need to recondition your mind to succeed. Ideas that influence your plan do not interrupt you from nowhere, but they are sought after; therefore, you need to search for good ideas that can empower you to goal set and goal get, and materialize your dreams; (4) Lastly, have the courage to execute the plan. Be pragmatic when it comes to trying different strategies that you can eventually actualize your vision. Albeit you might face setbacks, meanders and detours in the process to achieve your goal, do not lose your faith, hope, courage, enthusiasm, optimism, persistence and endurance. Remember that the only meaning definition of failure is giving up. Do not give up no matter what comes your way because sometimes you might be just a step away from succeeding the moment you give up. Success is deserved by those who see no other way to live other than to be successful by not giving up on ideas, dreams and visions that make a difference in their lives, the lives of people around them, and/or the world at large. You deserve success if you don’t give up!