Chapter 17 is now online. You will remember that Potter's Wheel-the Novel is still very much a work in progress and so when I got to Chapter 17 in my manuscript, I realized that it pretty much...yeah it sucked, badly! So, I had some editorial decisions to make and that slowed me down a bit. So did work on a Master's Degree and several unforeseeable twists and turns in the family life. But, I am proud to report things have settled down and that I now have Chapter 17 ready for your listening pleasure. We jazz things up a bit this week with a band out of Poland called No Plastic Inside and their appropriately named tune "Lights of Las Vegas". Check these guys out at their website. Also visit for lots of great "podsafe" music. In this chapter we finally get back to the comings and goings of Potter and learn a little more about the four real thieves and their where-abouts. I hope you enjoy this one. You really didn't want to hear the last one. Now I have to decide what becomes of that community meeting at the church back in Riverton. We shall see. But, I promise it will be a lot easier to listen to than what it would have been.