Out of the Fire

Power of Mind, Heart, and Soul with Shiran Cohen

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How often do pay attention to your inner voice when you’re going through a challenging situation? In today's episode, I have an insightful conversation with Shiran Cohen, an International Best Selling Author multiple times over, speaker, body language trainer, and author's strategy coach. She helps guide high-performing female entrepreneurs in their life and business by reconnecting more deeply to their own stories so they can make a powerful impact with their message. Shiran talks about the importance of trusting your soul in times of difficulty, and how to connect with others on a deeper level. She also discusses the different ways we can connect with our soul, and how listening to our own inner voice can better help us navigate difficult times. By trusting your soul, you can connect with others in ways you cannot imagine, and find the treasure that you were looking for. 

Tune in and discover why is not only about arriving at your destination, but it's also about managing your thoughts and emotions along the way!

Key Highlights

[00:01 – 10:07] Opening Segment

Shiran shares her background and story

Shiran discloses the importance of body language

We need to understand ourselves to be able to understand and communicate with others effectively

[10:08 – 21:23] To Change Something, You Need to Break it Apart and Rebuild it

You have to tear down what is not working in order to build something new

We cannot change anything from the outside

Shiran shares a parable 

[21:24 - 31:17] People Are Managing Their Hurt by Focusing on What Brings Them Pain

Why try  to get wealthy or have a big house because doesn't equate to success

Shiran’s outlook on a life that is centered around finding beauty in the journey, rather than material things

Hurtful things can keep people stuck in a cycle of pain for a long time

[31:18 - 40:46] How a Different Perspective Can Help us Understand Things Better

When we are thinking from the ego, we are managing everything from our ego instead of from our soul

It's okay to be hurt and it's not the other person's fault

The answers Shiran had after her conversation with God

[40:47 - 44:01] Closing Statement

How to deal with anger and resentment

You can reach Shiran at https://msha.ke/shirancohenunspoken/, or you can send her an email at [email protected] 

To receive more information about the "EXPLORE YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS" programs and retreat, you  are welcome to sign up here: https://kerifaith.mykajabi.com/join-our-community-explore-your-consciousness

Join me and my guests as we illustrate how to walk through the fires of life and come out the other side more resilient, passionate, and stronger than ever before. Connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Become part of the community and join our Group. Want to learn more about me? Visit https://trishafraley.com/trishafraley

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Tweetable Quotes:

“The body language doesn't start from the body. it actually starts from the subconscious, and the subconscious start from the mind.” - Shiran Cohen

“If one wants to be right in their ego, they should stay angry, but if one wants to be healed and free, they should forgive themselves and move on.” - Shiran Cohen

“Nobody can hurt me. I'm the one that can hurt myself the most." - Shiran Cohen

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Out of the FireBy Trisha Fraley

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