Dr. Alan Barnard is an accomplished TOC expert who is very passionate about having people and organizations find their inherent potential and use it to lift their career, self expression or performance to new heights. He lives in South Africa but like many of us, TOC professionals he travels around the world quite a bit.
Here are some links to additional material mentioned in the podcast:
“Harmony Decision Maker” Apple iPhone/iPad app in iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ie/app/harmony-decision-maker/id1194396926?mt=8 The Harmony Decision Maker Web App can be found at www.harmonytoc.com Information about the Odyssey Program can be found at www.tocodyssey.org YouTube of Dr. Barnard speaks about AntiFragile transformation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPwhBVgwIq8&t=774s