Are you the type to want to be up under your spouse? Are you the type that needs ample room? When you’re in you emotions, do you need ppl around for support or do you want to be alone? When angry/sad, do you want to approach the situation head on or do you need some time alone to cool off/gather your thoughts? Just on a daily basis, do you like to be alone for some time? Do you need that alone time periodically?
In all these scenario, you or they may need some or a lot of space. Some ppl don’t require any space. And, there are those who require someone to be there. Do you know enough about yourself to answer these? Can you handle someone who is the opposite? Can you come to a medium, find a middle ground that benefits both of you? Or, are your needs non negotiable, there’s no way around them, you need some one there or that space?
This is very important because there are time we need to recharge or heal. Everyone’s process is different. Some need someone there to help pick up the pieces or comfort them to heal. Some ppl need that alone time. If you aren’t given this, you can’t be mentally healthy. And this will destroy a relationship.