Brian Beddow is a Field Director for the Hawk Mountain Council and he talks about the variety of ways to get involved in Scouts. The Hawk Mountain Council is made up of four districts and serves about 12,000 young men and women. Even though he only spent a year as a Scout when he was young, Brian has made a career of Scouting in his adult life, sharing the opportunities it provides to everyone in the family. Scouting is starting a new program this fall called STEM Scouting.
It is the convergence of Scouting values like citizenship, personal fitness and leadership in a lab setting with science, technology, engineering and math. STEM Scouting is just one aspect of the Boy Scouts of America. Scouting opportunities start in kindergarten with Cub Scouts and grow with the kids through Boy Scouts, adult leaders, Venturing for young men and women between 14 and 21 and Explorers which provide opportunities for kids to participate in career based programs. Find out more by calling 610-926-3406 or visit their website