A conversation with Sam Delesque, the founder of Traditional Dream Factory, described as a playground for living and creating together. A regenerative living and creation collective based in Alentejo, Portugal and Oasa a network of co-owned regenerative villages, designed to accommodate the modern citizen while preserving it’s environment.
During our conversation, we discuss the hippie movement, and why we have a lot to thank them for as they were pioneers in the regenerative village movement, but also a lot to improve as many communities falter due to negligence on economic stability. Our hunger to create a world where we live in alignment with our surroundings, and how we quite simply don’t know yet what that might look like, and why the world of finance and crypto may be key to unlocking a new world of decentralised power.
Traditional Dream Factory: https://traditionaldreamfactory.com/
Traditional Dream Factory Pink Paper: https://docs.google.com/document/d/177JkHCy0AhplsaEEYpFHBsiI6d4uLk0TgURSKfBIewE/edit
Primal Gathering (primalgathering.co) is a global regenerative gathering model promoting the restoration of people, forests and ecosystems simultaneously and holistically through events and trainings. Join us at our upcoming Primal Reforestation Gathering this November 12-14th.
During each episode of this podcast we will showcase the people spearheading regenerative change through their projects, businesses and/or communities. While exploring the joys, and tribulations that arise from building alternative systems with integrity rooted in their values.
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