Here's why we want ALL people to go experience the Addiction Recovery and Emotional Resilience Classes...
You will be equip with tools to help you gain greater access to the power of Jesus Christ in your life.
You will learn the true nature of your loving Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
You will learn how to help others overcome all potential self-inflicting bad habits.
You will be a better leader and saint.
You will be able to learn the step by step process to gain more trust in oneself.
You will learn how to gain greater strength to overcome any and all temptations.
You will be blessed with an abounding testimony of your true identity.We are producing this mini-series for the purpose of eliminating all false beliefs about the addiction recovery and emotional resilience program. Even if you don't have an "addiction" you probably do, just not with porn or alcohol. There are legitimate things in everyone's life that holds them back from true self-mastery. Mastery to get the things they want in life, and to reach their true potential. Our goal through this mini series is to help you to understand how powerful this class will be for you, and your future. Enjoy the show!