Welcome to Printing Money Episode 26! For this episode, Danny is joined by Dayton Horvath, Director of Emerging Technology at AMT (and Printing Money alum!).
Danny and Dayton had some quality time to plan this episode, having both just been at Additive Manufacturing Strategies a couple weeks ago. And the planning was needed, because there have been a lot of noteworthy deals not just in the last month, but also some in Q4 which we hadn’t had time to cover.
Danny and Dayton start off by reviewing AMS 2025. Speeches by Stratasys CEO Yoav Zeif, AM Research’s Scott Dunham, and The Barnes Global Advisors’ John Barnes are all referenced as the additive manufacturing (AM) “industry” struggles to establish its value and confronts its status as a standalone (or not?) technology.
Next, drawing upon AMT data, Dayton takes us through the 2024 year that was in 3D printing M&A and investment (Hint… not a great year!). Danny and Dayton also highlight some of the most notable 2024 deals.
Then Danny and Dayton jump into Printing Money’s bread and butter, analyzing recent deals across the 3D printing landscape. Some themes include software companies buying simulation companies, a continuing focus on AM for military and defense, and AUKUS, more specifically Australia.
Please enjoy Episode 26, and check out our prior episodes.
This episode was recorded February 18, 2025.
00:14 – Welcome Dayton Horvath (AMT) to Episode 26
00:33 – Additive Manufacturing Strategies 2025 review
01:22 – Specialization vs generalization for AM solutions
02:26 – AM fits in the manufacturing ecosystem, not on an island
02:56 – John Barnes: “Stop calling it ‘postprocessing’ — it’s just ‘processing’
a04:30 – A continuing focus on defense for AM
05:20 – The focus on defense zoomed in even more the following week at MILAM
06:10 – 2024 3DP/AM investments, through the lens of AMT: A big drop!
08:32 – 2024 3DP/AM M&A, through the lens of AMT: A consistent number of deals, but how good were they?
10:33 – Notable M&A in 2024: ADDMAN and KAM
10:58 – Software buys simulation, Part 1: Synopsys (SNPS) and Ansys (ANSS)
11:25 – Status of the Nano Dimension (NNDM) acquisitions of Desktop Metal (DM) and Markforged (MKFG). Shareholder letter issued in January.
12:06 – Software buys simulation, Part 2: Siemens (SIEGY) to acquire Altair (ALTR)
14:30 – 3D Systems (DDD) sells Geomagics to Hexagon (HXGBY)
16:40 – Shapeways acquires Thangs
17:32 – BICO (CLLKF) continues to divest, sells Nanoscribe to LAB14 for EUR 26M
20:11 – KTI-G (KTG.ASX) set to acquire and rebrand to Metal Powder Works
25:25 – GoEngineer acquires CAD MicroSolutions
27:18 – American Axel Manufacturing (AXL) acquiring GKN Metallurgy and GKN Automotive
31:50 – Stratasys (SSYS) to receive $120M investment from Fortissimo Partners
34:58 – Backflip raises $30M for text to 3D print software
37:12 – Axial3D raises $18M for AI-driven medical 3DP software
41:00 – Amaero receives $23.5M loan from US Import-Export Bank, and AUD $22M Private Placement
44:22 – AML3D (AL3.ASX) receives AUD $30M financing
45:44 – Firehawk Aerospace raises $60M from Donald Trump, Jr. (sort of…)
49:10 – Aspect Biosystems raises $115B Series B for bioprinting
49:56 – Sintavia receives $10M debt financing from Stifel North America and ASTRO America
52:53 – Mighty Buildings seeks an exit
53:24 – Toyota invests $44M in Interstellar
53:35 – AscendArc raises $4M
53:47 – Eric Schmidt invests in Relativity Space
54:45 – Thanks again to Dayton Horvath
This content is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Nothing stated on this podcast constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer by the hosts, the organizer or any third-party service provider to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments in this or in any other jurisdiction in which such solicitation or offer would be unlawful under the securities laws of such jurisdiction. The information on this podcast is of a general nature that does not address the circumstances and risk profile of any individual or entity and should not constitute professional and/or financial advice. Referenced transactions are sourced from publicly available information.
Danny Piper is a registered representative of Finalis Securities LLC, member FINRA/SIPC. This material has been prepared for information and educational purposes only, and it is not intended to provide, nor should it be relied on for tax, legal, or investment advice. Investors should consult with their own tax, legal, and financial professionals before investing. Real estate investments are generally highly risky. They can be volatile, unpredictable, illiquid, and are subject to ebbs and flows and market shifts. Investors also risk the loss of all principal investments.