I'm serving up some real talk today on why I don't think you need to have a few letters after your last name to utilize your natural gifts, talents, skills, and abilities to help others, serve your community, and make an impact on others' lives as a professional home organizer. I'm not saying you don't need to form your business entity, get business insurance, or any of those things- you can check with experts in your local area on these checklist items or refer to the episodes here on the Pro Organizer Bootcamp Podcast featuring actual professionals in these fields (i.e. an Attorney and a Tax Expert/CPA) but the point here is I'm SICK of other women in the #proorganizercommunity bashing other women, and putting them down before they even get started. There's room in this industry- let's conduct ourselves with an air of community over competition and empower each other as women!
Plus check out these awesome resources:
► FREE GET NEW CLIENTS FAST GUIDE: https://bit.ly/getclientsfastguide
► FREE CONSULTATIONS 101 MASTERCLASS: https://bit.ly/consultations101masterclass
► BOOK A 1HR STRATEGY CALL WITH MELISA: https://bit.ly/productiveorganizer
► Pro Organizer Bootcamp™ Instagram Community: https://www.instagram.com/proorganizerbootcamp
► Pro Organizer Bootcamp™ Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/proorganizerbootcamp
► Pro Organizer Bootcamp™ Mastermind: https://www.proorganizerbootcamp.com/groupcoaching
► Pro Organizer Bootcamp™ Course: https://www.proorganizerbootcamp.com/course
► HoneyBook for Organizers - get 20% off: http://share.honeybook.com/melisa823