When your heart is in your work, your work is play. You are highly motivated when you enjoy your work.
Therefore, select activities that are aligned with your motivations, desires and your lifestyle. Otherwise, you won't enjoy what you do.
If your motivations are not aligned with your business, you will do a "so so" job. Whereas business needs 100% of our commitment, dedication and motivation to be successful. As they say: you have to be "all-in" to be successful.
We have to try our best to align our work, life and for that matter all our activities. Lets breakdown ALIGN for better understanding of life alignments:
A - Adapt to your lifestyle. Your life, health, family, and your peace of mind is way more important than any project you launch. So try to align your professional life with your personal lifestyle.
L - Love what you do. Whatever activity you choose to do, you better enjoy what you do. Otherwise, you may give up easily when "hard" times kick in. And more importantly, the work you do will be full of struggles instead of enjoyment.
I - Insist on what you believe in. Don't do something that you are not comfortable with. You may get involved, out of necessity, but you will not have peace of mind, if you don't believe in what you do.
G - Get closer to your goal. Do not undertake anything and everything. Be selective in what you do. Whatever you choose to do, should get you closer to your final goal, even if one step. Otherwise, you will keep on changing your projects.
N - Narrow your niche. Start with something small. Big undertakings might put too much pressure on you. Launch small but meaningful. Consistency is the key; not size of the project. "Do little but do always"
Hope you ALIGN your personal and professional life with your project purpose and motivation.
See you on the other side... with your PROJECT (www.PROJA.ca)