What makes a property “smart” in the Time of Coronavirus?
Well, it’s been a little while. As the smart home buzz of the holidays past and the gadget news died down, something else happened: COVID-19.
Here in the Seattle area, we were on the front edge of all this going down. While we (and everyone else) were trying to sort out which end was up, working from home while homeschooling our kids, we *ahem* took a little break from the podcast.
What’s Next
While we’ve been mucking our way through this COVID-19 quarantine situation, we have been thinking a lot about what makes a property smart, and how we can all use our homes a little smarter.
So while we aren’t ditching smart home, we are going to be talking a lot more about other aspects of property smarts going forward. You may here some discussion about adding a home office or extra living space to your backyard. Or different ways to use some tech you already have on-hand to enhance your #WFH experience.
More tips on #WFH
* Zoom blog* The Wirecutter* Using a Wyze security cam as a webcam* Facemasks and more from Wyze
#WFH Chuckles from SNL
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