I co-wrote a book with Dr.Izdihar Jamil called “22 Success Secrets From Inspiring People Around The World” that became a #1 international bestseller, and even passed the iconic book “Think and Grow Rich” in the UK.
I wrote a chapter outlining a summary of my story along with success principles that invoke freedom habits, which inspired our new book being written titled “Passion 2 Profits - How to drive impact and income even you don't know where to start". Our team realized that we could choose to assume “expert status” and write a book based on what we know from working with clients in multiple niches around the world with their marketing & sales campaigns…
We could involve a wide group of Rockstar entrepreneurs and business leaders from all over the world that are striving to turn their passions into profits.
We decided to write one chapter a week for the first quarter of 2021 while coaching said elite group once a week including a coaching program in conjunction with the book, as we help address their biggest challenges and questions on their unique journeys of turning their passions into profits.
Our co-founding agency partner Zach Schuenke and I have decided to run the program and write 4 drafts (1 draft a quarter) in conjunction with the Passion 2 Profits program before launching the final draft of the book in the first quarter of 2022... With an aim to further expand our already proven systems and processes with hundreds of Rockstar Entrepreneurs & Business leaders in 2021.
We are dedicated to helping you turn your passion into profits.
Enjoy this episode where we read the 2nd Draft of Passion 2 Profits - Chapter 9 - called “Online Presentation Optimization“. In this chapter, Zach leads the reading as he guides you through how to Optimize your message & copy in a way that inspires your audience to action. You're going to learn the methods that we use to help our clients Optimize their Online Presentation.
Let’s GROW!