In this episode I issue a public apology to Bo Dean Sanders, a potential guest I was going to have on the show if you hear this episode Bo Dean I'm truly sorry for the unprofessionalism.
I make the announcement that I will be returning to my regular scheduled podcasts coming out every Tuesday
I explain basic details of my trip to Saskatoon Sask. for my ACL reconstruction, the ins and out of going through surgery with Covid being prevalent. How I'm feeling two months later.
I discuss a story about how I got closure and a new found look on life after getting it and just a good story about how it all went about.
I touch briefly on how we as young individuals are single handedly getting robbed because of Covid and how our friends are just "spent"
Lastly, I close out this episode with just some news on my upcoming birthday tomorrow and the future of the podcast and how I'll end up transitioning into more sport based content as opposed to content that's just solely about myself.