Carefully Examining the Text

Psalm 121

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Psalm 121

There are some connections with Psalm 91. The idea of shade or shadow in 121:5; 91:1. The word keep in 121:3, 4, 5, 7, 7, 8 is also in 91:11. The word foot is used in 121:3 and 91:12 McCann, 1181. The name LORD appears in vs. 2, 5, 5, 7, 8.

121:1 From whence shall my help come?-
The word help is m.s. and is used of God in Exodus 18:4; Deut. 33:7, 26, 29; Ps. 20:2; 33:20; 115:9, 10, 11; 121; 1, 2; 124:8; 146:5. The f.s. form is used in Ps. 40:13, 17; 44:26; 46:1; 108:12. “The question exposes his anxiety and sense of inadequacy” Laymen, 687. 

121:2 My help comes from the LORD,

Who made heaven and earth- Ps. 115:15; 124:8; 134:3; Jer. 32:17 The verb made is used 12 times in Gen. 1-2 to speak of God’s creation of all things. “The thought of this verse leaps beyond the hills to the universe; beyond the universe to its Maker. Here is living help: primary, personal, wise, immeasurable” Kidner, 431. 

121:4 Behold, He who keeps Israel- “Protection is a burning issue for a pilgrim who is travelling arduously and through lonely country” Kidner, 431. 

will neither slumber not sleep- contrast I Kings 18:27. The word slumber is repeated from vs. 3. “God is ever vigilant” Longman, 414. “This sentry never dozes on duty!” Laymen, 687. “In all paths of life, he is promised the ever-vigilant protection of God” Allen, 154. 

121:6 The sun will not smite you by day- Gen. 1:16 The word smite is a word that often indicates to strike with violence- Gen. 4:15; Ex. 2:11, 12; 12:12. Sunstroke is “a real danger in the semi-desert climate of the Land of Israel” Alter, 438. “By day and by night are frequently used to mean ‘always’ or ‘constantly’ (cf. Pss. 22:2; 88:1)” Miller, 398. Ps. 91:5-6; II Kings 4:18-19; Isa. 49:10; Jonah 4:8; Rev. 7:16.

121:7 The LORD will protect you for all evil- Ps. 41:2; 91:10-12
“In light of other scriptures, to be kept from all evil does not imply a cushioned life, but a well-armed one. Cf. Psalm 23:4, which expects the dark valley but can face it” Kidner, 432.  

121:8 The LORD will guard your going out and coming in- Num. 27:17; Deut. 28:6; 31:2
This “is not only a way of saying ‘everything’: in closer detail it draws attention to one’s ventures and enterprises (cf. Ps. 126:6). 

Jesus and Psalm 121

121:2 Jesus is Creator of Heaven and earth- John 1:1-3, 10; Col 1:16

121:1, 2 This particular form of the word help is only used twice in the NT- Acts 27:17 for the supporting cables under the boat. Heb. 4:16 He gives grace to help in time of need.

121:3 The One who not let Israel’s feet slumber has His feet nailed to the cross- Luke 24:39-40.

121:3-4 Matt. 8:24; Mk. 4:38; Lk. 8:23 Jesus sleeping on the boat though not the same Greek word. 

121:3, 5, 7, 7, 8 The word for God guarding or keeping His people is the word from the LXX for Jesus guarding His disciples- John 17:12; Gal. 6:13; II Thess. 3:3; II Tim. 1:12; Jude 24.

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