Carefully Examining the Text

Psalm 129

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Psalm 129 A Song of Ascents

129:1-2 Introductory summary; 129:3 Their intense need; 129:4 Praise to God

129:5-8 Request for judgment upon the foes

“The psalm divide into two sections: verses 1-4 (statement of suffering) and verses 5-8 (prayer for vindication against the enemies causing the suffering)” Transforming Word, 498. 

129:1 Many times they have persecuted me- The word many times in vss. 1-2 is used in 120:6; 123:4. In the NRSV is translated greatly. “A comparison of the NIV with the NRSV shows that the adverb at the beginning of vv. 1-2 can be construed to indicate either the frequency of the opposition or its severity” McCann, 1203. 

“The religious community is encouraged by a cultic precentor to take upon their own lips a testimony to Yahweh’s repeated aid” Allen, 190. “The first-person language makes this initially sound like an individual complaint, but as the references to ‘the haters of Zion’ in verse 5 indicates, the first person is speaking on behalf of the nation” Alter, 453. “The communal lament differs from most laments in that it mourns an extended period rather than a single event” Transforming Word, 498. 

from my youth up- Jer. 2:2; 22:21; Ezek. 16:22; Hos. 2:15; 11:1 Israel’s youth was a time of devotion (Jer. 2:2) and joy (Hos. 2:15), but also a time of disobedience (Jer. 22:21), yet God loved them and showed them mercy anyway (Ezek. 16:22; Hos. 11:1).

Let Israel now say- 118:2; 124:1 “In the subsequent interpretation in terms of ‘Israel’ this religious truth received even wider warrant: it could trace back to the Exodus (cf. Hos. 11:1) the history of God’s saving grace over against the oppressor’s plowlike scourge (cf. Isa. 1:5-7; 51:23)” Allen, 190. 

“National memoirs may be written from the standpoint of achievement and attainment, of from the viewpoint of suffering and survival. While secular nations usually choose the former, it is singular that Israel glorifies God as her protector and preserver” Miller, 409. 

129:2 Many times they have persecuted me from my youth up- Ps. 88:15 The repetition fixes their thoughts on the severity of their troubles- Barnes, 255. 

Yet they have not prevailed against me- Jer. 1:19; 15:20; 20:11; Matt. 16:18; II Cor. 4:8-9. This does not promise God’s people will not suffer, but it does promise that wickedness will not ultimately prevail. 

129:3 The plowers plowed upon my back- Micah 3:12; Isaiah 51:23 The plow would pass over the field, tear up the sod, pierce deep and produce long rows- Barnes, 256. “This agricultural image for laceration and torment, is vivid enough in itself, leads to the agricultural simile of the curse in verses 6-8” Alter, 453. The imagery of plowing furrows describes the extreme suffering that the enemies inflicted on Israel” B.K, 886. The words for plowers and wicked are very similar in Hebrew and a Hebrew manuscript from Qumran has wicked- Allen, 187.

They lengthened their furrows

129:4 The LORD is righteous- Ps. 119:137 In permitting this, the LORD is righteous. “Deliverance from such suffering is attributed to the righteous LORD” B.K., 886. The LORD’s righteousness is demonstrated in the judgment upon Israel’s enemies. “The mystery of the continual resilience of God’s city and people is thereby explained. V. 4 triumphantly amplifies (v. 2b), after (v. 3) has grimly developed (v. 2a). To use J.B. Philips paraphrase of II Cor. 4:9, the capital and community were often knocked down, but never knocked out. They revived and survived as a testimony to a long history of God’

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