Synopsis: Today’s show features Dr. Dave Yauk, speaking about psalm singing and community. We discuss what role psalm singing plays in being part of a community today, how to reconcile seemingly individualist, personal experience psalms with community orientation, and how psalm singing broadens our connections with the church across the world and the ages. Visit to gain access to the full episode, including more about Dr. Yauk’s global background, why we should care about community, and three easy steps to become a more community-oriented person--NOT! In fact, some humble wisdom about the process of real growth and what that might look like for you personally, long and difficult though it may be.
Bio: Dr. Dave Yauk is first a foremost a follower of Jesus. He is husband to Katie, and father to four wonderful children (Naomi, Jesse, Levi, and Analise). Dave has been privileged to do ministry in over 17 countries, and his writing has been published in Transpositions, Logos Press, the YouVersion Bible App, and in 4 published works for adults and children. Dave owns the Garden City Project, an online collaborative P&P hub for Christian artists and innovators. He is a Professor of Theology, Spiritual Formation, and Bible at Grand Canyon, and Professor of Worship, Missiology, and Songwriting at Visible Music College. You can find other resources from Dave on Garden City’s Partnered Blog and Podcast named The Worship Ministry Catalyst.